How is it different than a festival?

Three Gates Gathering 2024 How it Works

An individual chooses a facilitator they wish to travel with through the three gates of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. They then have three classes, one

for each gate to give them a deep understanding of the topic of discussion.  Each topic is taught by the same facilitator, therefore, preserving continuity for that

particular topic. 

Additional opportunities for individual workshops, conversation, and hanging out happen all through the Mystery School

 The Format

There are 3 workshops on each topic. The classes run 1 hr which includes a minimum of 15 minutes of discussion. Therefore an individual will be finished all classes by 3 PM on Saturday.

The classes run as follows:


11 AM to Midnight                          Check in begins

4 PM to 4:30 PM                             Welcome –

7 PM to 7:45 PM                             Opening Ritual – (Wyte Rayvn)

8 PM to 9:30 PM                             Music – 

9:30 PM – 1 AM                               Fire, Drumming, and Dancing



11 AM – 12 Noon                            First Class All Tracks

1 PM – 2 PM                                   Second Class All Tracks

2:30 PM – 3:30 PM                         Third Class all Tracks

6 PM – 6:45 PM                               Main Ritual

7 PM – 8 PM                                     Auction and Raffle

8:15 PM – 9:15 PM                         Music

9:30  PM – 11:00 PM                      Music

11 PM – 1 AM                                  Fire, Drumming, and Dancing

Sunday June 13, 2021

11 AM – 11:45 AM                          Closing Ritual

Therefore, three classes will be going on at each time slot resulting in maximum efficiency and ease of administration and participation.


There are also three rituals during the Mystery School.  The ritual is designed to run approximately 1 hr. At the end of the Opening ritual and musical performance, we will have drumming and dancing around the main fire pit and after the musical performance after Main Ritual, we will have drumming and dancing around the Main Fire Pit. Please also visit our vendors in the Faery Faire!  The Closing Ritual (Sunday 11:00 AM.